Listening Comprehension

Listening Comprehension Junior Announcement

Dear Colleagues,

We are going to hold another event of the Regional Student Convention on March 17, 2021.

At 11 am we will have Listening Comprehension for Junior category.

Following link for Listening Comprehension is going to be activated at 11 am, March 17.

Each participant must work from his/her personal devices and must be able to listen and watch the video provided.

Each participant must write his/her name and surname, school and city on the registration form. Unnamed results will be disqualified.

You will have limited time to write the test.

Each participant takes the test only once. If there is an attempt to take the test again only the first result is going to be accepted.

If two or more participants show the same result, the first one to have sent the answer will receive the higher score.

The results will be automatically sent to the organizers’ email addresses.

Международная школа завтрашнего дня топ-30 по рэнкингу частных школ Москвы по версии Форбс