С Новым Годом и Рождеством!

Уважаемые ребята, коллеги, родители!

Международная школа завтрашнего дня города Москвы от всего сердца поздравляет Вас с наступающим Новым 2024 Годом и Рождеством!
Мы желаем Вам и Вашим семьям благополучия, процветания, счастья, здоровья!
Будьте благословенны!



Dear colleagues, parents, friends! We thank you for being with us all this time, we appreciate each of you and once again would like to encourage you to subscribe to our new main channel of the International School of Tomorrow in the CIS and Baltics, in which we will actively share with you all the latest information and everyday life of our school!

Subscribe and be part of our big school family!

Welcome — https://t.me/Int_ST



Дорогие коллеги, родители, друзья! Мы благодарим вас за то, что всё это время вы были с нами, ценим каждого из вас и хотим ещё раз пригласить вас подписаться на наш новый основной канал Международной школы завтрашнего дня в СНГ и Балтии, в котором мы будем активно делиться с вами всей актуальной информацией и буднями из жизни нашей школы!

Подписывайтесь и будьте частью нашей большой школьной семьи!

Добро пожаловать — https://t.me/Int_ST



Уважаемые коллеги!

Рады пригласить вас на нашу традиционную Осеннюю педагогическую конференцию!

Главная тема года: Соль и свет! От Матфея 5:13-16.

И как качественно и плодотворно «быть солью земли и светом миру» мы обсудим на конференции под заголовком «Школа 3D: Думаем, Действуем, Достигаем», посвящённую инновационным методикам обучения и развития учебного процесса.

Мы собрали для вас лучших экспертов в области образования, которые поделятся своим опытом и знаниями о том, как создать динамичное и эффективное обучающее окружение.

Основные темы конференции:
• Особенности занятий с интеллектуально одаренными детьми
• Применение технологий в учебном процессе
• Личный бренд педагога
• Зачем учителю блог?
• Индивидуализация обучения: методы и подходы

Мы верим, что учитель — это ключ к успешному образованию, и хотим поддержать вас в стремлении к профессиональному росту.

Ждём вас 1-2 ноября 2023 года!

Регистрируйтесь на нашем сайте — https://events.schooloftomorrow.center/convention



Dear colleagues,

We are happy to invite you to our traditional Fall Educators Convention!

The main theme this year is «Salt and Light,» inspired by Matthew 5:13-16. We will discuss how to «be the salt of the earth and the light of the world» during the Convention under the title «School 3D: Decide, Develop, Do». This Convention is dedicated to innovative teaching methods and the development of the educational process.

We have gathered the best experts in the field of education who will share their experience and knowledge on creating a dynamic and effective learning environment.

Key conference topics include:
• Specifics of working with intellectually gifted children
• Application of technology in the educational process
• Personal branding for educators
• Why should a teacher have a blog?
• Individualization of education: methods and approaches

We believe that the teacher is the key to successful education and we want to support you in your pursuit of professional growth.

We look forward to see you on November 1-2, 2023!

Please register on our website — https://events.schooloftomorrow.center/convention

Happy professional holiday!

Уважаемые коллеги!

Коллектив Международной школы завтрашнего дня (г.Москва) поздравляет всех учителей и преподавателей с профессиональным праздником!

Спасибо вам за щедрость ваших сердец, безграничное терпение и понимание, преданность делу и любовь к своим ученикам.

Быть учителем — нелёгкий труд.

Благодарим, что вы выбрали этот путь, что отдаёте себя детям.

Спасибо, что творите настоящее и будущее!

Желаем вам крепкого здоровья, профессионального роста, оптимизма и высокой оценки вашего нелёгкого труда.



First of September! Beginning of a new academic year!
We congratulate everyone involved in this event and wish fruitful studies for the children,
and quality lessons for the teachers!
Be blessed!
You can see how this joyful day went at ISOT here



Первое сентября! Начало нового учебного года!
Мы поздравляем всех причастных к этому событию и желаем ребятам
плодотворной учёбы, а педагогам качественных уроков!
Будьте благословенны!
Как прошёл этот радостный день в МШЗД можно посмотреть тут




— “Mrs. Helen, do you know there’s a story about lost conscience? Can we maybe use it for the One Act Play?
— “I haven’t heard of it, but if you can write a script, we may try to stage it.”
This is how the official preparation for the convention began for me. Unofficial preparation began back in November, with sketches of paintings, and panicky thoughts about the lack of inspiration for writing.
So, the official training began in January with uncertainty about the next day, in the sense that half of those who agreed to participate were not yet sure that they would go. Luckily, many of my friends who are graduating this year did get a chance to come (it’s scary to think that the next convention will be my last).
— “I knew that many would not arrive by 13:30, you see, I thought of everything.”
The first day of the convention, we are just going to the school to take the bus that will take us to the venue. This convention began with amazement at the finished paintings, the people who arrived on time, and the size of the suitcases.
The first day was the laziest, and to some extent was a lesson to us. In addition to finding out the taste of local food, we also realized that going to bed early in the morning is the stupidest thing that a convention participant can do.
— “Are you ready for Group Bible Speaking?”
— “No, you? Everyone who was asked shook their heads»
The second day of the convention aka the first day of the competitions is always the scariest. Just starting to get used to the taste of performances, everyone gets worried, and sometimes forgets the words. On this day, we just started to explore the place where convention was held, found out that when it’s boring you can play pool, and we also got the first medals (everyone was upset at that moment, because we wanted even more sparkling pendants on our necks).
— “I can’t speak,” I panic, “And tomorrow I won’t be able to get on my feet at all.”
The third day of the convention was marked for me by the loss of voice, and One Act Play. It was funny how I regained my voice for ten minutes, having played the role, and then couldn’t speak the whole next day. On the same day, all sporting events ended, so that the last day of the competition was given completely to the struggle of minds. It was also that evening that the grand finale of a beautiful story staged by our teachers was shown.
“Pssst,” someone scratched at our door at about two in the morning. On the threshold was Mrs. Helen, “How much do you love me? Can you show One Act Play again tomorrow?
A voice asked in the silence, “Do we even have a choice?”
On Thursday, everyone watched with interest as the smartest people in our schools tried to get places for the PACE Bowl and the Russian Brain Ring (the questions on the latter are really difficult, the second and third places we got are quite justified). And on the same day, for the first time in the history of the convention, a theater was shown, where we, equipped with microphones and well-placed lights, showed our acting skills. In the evening, everyone present could watch how the senior 1 students frantically tried to earn merits to buy snacks. Also, we all watched the epic show put on for us.
— “Yes it’s you, 100%.”
—»I won’t be sure until my name is called.»
And here is the day X. The very day that everyone was waiting for, feared, and hoped to get something on it. The Award Ceremony was held this time on the last day of the convention, right after breakfast, and we literally sat on packed suitcases listening to the names of those who were lucky enough to win. By the end, many of my friends got medals of different places, and I even took some of mine off, because of an impressive 11 medals around my neck.
And here is the moment for which some go to the convention, the announcement of those who received the highest score. I did not fully believe that it was I who would get this place, and only when I went on stage I believed that all my efforts were worth it (I even got my voice back when I gave the speech).

Международная школа завтрашнего дня топ-30 по рэнкингу частных школ Москвы по версии Форбс