Photography Black & White — Character Trait Picture (Junior)

Photography Black & White — Character Trait Picture (Senior)

Photography Black & White — Plants and Animals (Junior)

Photography Black & White — Plants and Animals (Senior)

Photography Black & White — Scenic (Junior)

Photography Black & White — Scenic (Senior)

Photography Black & White — Still Life (Senior)

Photography Color — Animals (Junior)

Photography Color — Animals (Senior)

Photography Color — Character Trait Picture (Junior)

Photography Color — Character Trait Picture (Senior)

Photography Color — Plants (Junior)

Photography Color — Plants (Senior)

Photography Color — Scenic (Junior)

Photography Color — Scenic (Senior)

Photography Color — Special Effects (Junior)

Photography Color — Special Effects (Senior)

Photography Color — Still Life (Junior)

Photography Color — Still Life (Senior)

International School of Tomorrow
in TOP-30 according to FORBES
Private Schools of Moscow Ranking
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